SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Arterial Network Second Conference on the African Creative Economy: Call for Papers

The aims of the conference are to provide practical analysis and reflective overview of the current status of African creative economy. This should help consolidate emergent African expertise in this area while providing critical thought necessary in navigating the unfolding realties the sector is faced with. While anyone is invited to submit such expressions of interest, preference will be given to African speakers who are based on the continent and who have the relevant expertise, experience or potential in these fields.

Submissions are to be sent to Espera Donouvossi at Espera@arterialnetwork.org by August 25, 2012.

We will award eight young researchers based in Africa who will author and present papers at the conference with 250 Euros each.

Interested parties are required to submit:

1. a letter expressing interest in a particular theme (interest in more than one theme may be expressed).

2. a Curriculum Vitae (CV) detailing relevant expertise, your contact details, city and country of current location.

3. the methodology of the approach that will be taken in dealing with the subject (not more than one page) methodology?

4. the names and contact details of two referees familiar with your work.

5. the language in which you will present (English, French, Portuguese and Arabic are the preferred languages).

6. an indication of whether you are a member of Arterial Network or not.

The topics and formats are:

1. Keynote addresses (30 minutes maximum each)

1.1 Contextual Challenges to growth of Cultural Industries in Africa
1.2 African Creative Economy - Existent and Emergent Characteristics.
1.3 Building and Strengthening intra-African Markets and Models of Exchange for Creative Industries
1.4 Emergent Data and Statistics of African Creative Economy: National and Regional Contexts.
1.6 Relationship between Cultural Industries and Cultural Policies in Africa: Analysis of Governmental initiatives and rhetorics.

2. Panel Discussions (15 minutes maximum each, up to five case studies)

2.1 Concepts of Creative Cities as manifested in African Contexts.
2.2 The Influence and inclusion of Creative Events (festivals, conferences, etc) to national and regional economic planning processes: Case Studies.
2.3 Success stories: creative enterprises from the south. (Case studies from Africa and the global south).
2.4 Creative entrepreneurship: life learning opportunities and challenges in Africa.

3. Roundtable Discussions (up to two presenters per theme; 20 minutes each)

3.1 Implementation of UNESCO Convention on cultural diversity in African Creative Economy Contexts: Examples and emergent Lessons.
3.2 Evaluation of Actions, Achievements and Impediments of African Union Plan of Action on Cultural Industries.
3.3 Critical Issues in developing Cultural Policies for Creative Industries: African Case Studies.
3.4 Case Studies of Culture and Development Initiatives in Africa.
3.5 Development of New Models of North-South Cultural Collaborations: Negotiating Resource Recognition and Relationships.
3.6 South-South Cultural Cooperation: New actors/New challenges.
3.7 Global power relations and African Creative sector: Trends and Considerations.
3.8 Mainstreaming Creative Cultural Industries as critical element in African national economic planning.
3.9 Codification, Institutionalization and Implementation of Intellectual property rights in African contexts: Perspectives and Considerations for creative economy.
3.10 Interlinking Commoditization of Cultures and Individual Creative rights: Tensions and Considerations
3.11 Institutional and Management challenges in African creative economic sector


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  • Alliance Française VANUATU

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